Settin' Pretty
Canine Art Gallery
Quality Canine Art Since 1997

Settin' Pretty
Fred & Linda Jurman
2133 Shady Cliff, San Antonio, Texas 78232-3113
Fax/Phone: 1-210-545-6335
Tollfree Phone 1-888-708-4581


 Art by Breed

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Setter Menu

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If you plan on ordering anything in this catalogue, please write down the title,
part number, and price for our order form.

Irish Setter Ceramic Tile
5.75" x 5.75" - Glazed

TileSpoilt - $14.95

TileHome - $14.95





Sayings available:
Running only: "This house has been invaded by killer furballs"
Running or Settin': "Lord, make me the person my dog thinks I am"
Settin' only: "Welcome" - ONLY ONE AVAILABLE
Settin' only: "I (heart) Dogs" - ONLY ONE AVAILABLE
Settin' only: "Wipe Your Paws" - ONLY ONE AVAILABLE
Settin' only: "Happiness is being owned by a dog"
Settin' only: "I Never Met a Dog I Didn't Like"
Settin' only: "If you want the best seat in the house,
you have to move the dog"


Running Setter
CP-004 - $14.95

Order CP-003 or CP-004
and fill in the saying you want to order

Settin' Setter
CP-003 - $11.50

Settin' Pretty
Fred & Linda Jurman
2133 Shady Cliff, San Antonio, Texas 78232-3113
Tollfree phone: 1-888-708-4581 - Fax/Phone: 1-210-545-6335

All items in this catalogue are protected under International Copyright and Trade Mark laws.
No item in this on-line catalogue may be reproduced in any form without
the express written consent of the artist, publisher, or responsible authority.